Dear Modern Goddess,

Happy Christmas! If you're looking for unique, stylish, smart, exquisite or simply a different  tiara you have just found the right website. This site contains many examples of my tiara designs and other jewellery, please take a few minutes to look around.

You can find more more information about amber and tiaras here or check out our links page.

Note: Many photos on this site are zoomable, simply click on them to enlarge.

Throughout 2008 Joanna will be exhibiting at :

(next to Boots in Hereford) during four 1-day
exhibitions and three a week - long exhibitions on the following days:
23 Feb (SAT)                        10am-4pm (1 day)
10-15 March (Mon- Sat (incl.) 10am-4pm (6 days)    {Spring Exhibition}

26 April
(SAT)                        10am-4pm (1 day)
23-28 June (Mon- Sat (incl.)    10am-4pm (6 days)   {Summer Exhibition}

7 -12July
(SAT)                      10am-4pm (1 day)
20 Sept (SAT)                        10am-4pm (1 day)
13-18 Oct (Mon- Sat (incl.)      10am-4pm (6 days)   {Autumn Exhibition}


in Hereford - amber jewellery will be available from the
large and the small cabinet during:

MARCH 2008


Smaller selection of jewellery is available from the TOURIST OFFICE in
Hereford all year round.


During HAY-ON-WYE festival (9 days) 23rd May- 1st June Joanna's amber will
be available from the HONESTY BOOK SHOP

This is situated in the Hay Castle grounds in a walled courtyard. Trading
times will be approx. from 11am-7pm (to confirm call 01432 265499 during
evenings during the festival time)


Unfortunately, there is no SKILLS ON SHOW festival in Worcester this year
where Joanna normally exhibited in June.

Joanna is normally unavailable during school holidays.


Most Saturdays Joanna presents her jewellery in a gift shop called WYEBRIDGE 2 in Ledbury next to Feathers Hotel in the town centre.

A warm welcome from Joanna at Amber Tiaras.

© 2002 Copyright to all photography and Jewellery & Tiara designs in this website are owned by Joanna Spencer and may not be reproduced without prior permission. Site designed by Sound  Image